donald trump

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Trump is the bombastic, aggressive, fearless business leader who is ready to take on any challenge, defend his often controversial opinions and relentlessly pursue his goals.
But in a story I reported on about the day that the presumptive GOP nominee cheated death showed another side…fearful, hesitant and…even sadness evidenced by a tear.
On October 10, 1989 a helicopter crashed along the Garden State Parkway killing three Trump executives: Stephen Hyde, 43, chief executive of Trump’s Atlantic City casinos, Mark Etess, 38, chief executive officer of the unfinished Taj Mahal casino, and Jonathan Benanav, 33, executive vice president of Trump Plaza. All three men were the masterminds of Trump’s expanding Atlantic City empire.
As fate would have it, Donald Trump was not onboard, but he was a changed man after the crash…even crying in public.
“Donald is standing alone at the casket, and looking at the picture of Stephen Hyde, and Jack [co-author of Trumped!] said he was certain that he saw a tear in Donald’s eye as he was standing there alone. But then he said like that he turned around and he said he was on again,” said James Rutherford, author of “Trumped!”
Shows me that the portrayal of any national figure in the media is only a part of the story.  Even The Donald is capable of emotion.  People should understand that there’s a human component to even the harshest business leaders.
Guess the only question I have is whether the tear Trump dropped that day was for his friend who would not be at his side any longer…or the reality that without this rising business star, the AC experiment might crash and burn as well.

It’s no secret that Donald Trump has been portrayed as a racist for his comments on terrorism and immigration. Many of his detractors include mainstream media personalities and even Republicans who are joining the “Dump Trump” movement. This has even led some to proclaim publicly that convention rules should be changed to deny Trump the nomination.

During my recent conversation with Governor Christie, I had a chance to ask him about labels some are putting on Trump. He was quick to point out that the presumptive nominee’s focus has been on success and who can help him, not race. “Donald Trump is all about success and he doesn’t care what religion you practice, what color you are, where you come from,” said Christie.

The greater question is whether or not life has gotten better for minorities under the Obama administration policies which Hillary Clinton supports. The unemployment rate among blacks reached double the national average. Violence in the inner city is a daily problem. The incarceration rate disproportionately affects minorities.

Trump has not had a chance to prove himself in public office yet, but as a part of the Obama administration, Hillary has not proven that she would be an asset for minorities. Before anyone throws the racist label at Donald Trump let’s take a step back and analyze the facts first.